Matinee Moments | A Modest Chapbook
Audio. Music. Imagery. Video. Words.
[chap·book/Chapˌbo͝ok / noun – A small pamphlet containing tales, ballads, or tracts, sold by peddlers]

Matthew K. Weiland has been recognized for his creative work by Columbia University, the Steppenwolf Theatre Company, the John Lennon Songwriting Foundation, the Ohio Arts Council’s Individual Artists Fellowship Program, Writer’s Digest, and the Collective-NY, Amy Schumer’s theater group.
(Scroll across project title and click.)
Little Player Got Game | Breaking Up with My Mother | The House on Chestnut Ridge | The Whales of Long Kesh | Original Music (Free Downloads) | Special Projects of the Heart | Rookie Cards | Why Bother With This? (TBD)
Audio Dimensions Feature with Civil Rights Pioneer Congressman Louis Stokes
Below are some brief samples of his creative work work.
Professional Work and Feature Writing
He has 35 years of writing, editorial, and educational experience complementing work in multimedia and digital production. Click here for professional overview.
I’m Here Safe and Sound | Messages from My Mom (1939-2018)
Help Yourself and Download Free PDF of Little Player Got Game Here
Meditation Time
A Pennystock Production in partnership with Premiere Pediatrics.