The Singing Sweethearts and the Great Cookie Con

By Matthew K. Weiland

Mr. Meander, who taught Pre-K,
fell off a Christmas tree
and was born yesterday.

Or so the little Sweethearts thought.
The Sweethearts were a festive clan
who attended school on the family plan.
Numbering about a baker’s dozen,
some were siblings, some were cousins..
De-lovely little kinders all.

There was Sweetheart Betty,
and Sweetheart Freddy,
and Sweethearts Slick and Sly.
There was Sweetheart Bonnie
and Sweetheart Johnny,
and Sweetheart Alibi.

There was Sweetheart Junior,
and Sweetheart Beau,
and Sweethearts Belle and Cool.
There was Sweetheart Frannie
and Sweetheart Annie
and little Sweetheart Jules.

Now, up on a shelf in the Sweetheart class –
A magnificent cookie jar!
Of porcelain, brass, and kaleidoscope glass –
A cookie Wunderbar!

And the cookies – Oooohhhhh!
The cookies!!!
The tastiest of treats.
The grandiest prize for telling no lies
and keeping the classroom neat.
Yet, the Sweethearts
No like chores,’ you see
Thus they would spin these fibberies.
Like…I cleaned my room
When their room’s a wreck.
Or…My teeth are brushed.
When their teeth are…BLECH!

No one’s made this mess?
Or broke this chair? Or tore that dress?
Who left this here? Who put that there?

No one confessed
Few seemed to care.
In the Sweetheart world…
All teeth are brushed.
All toilets flushed.
All cubbies clean.
All books on shelves.
All hands pristine.

Dirty clothes are in the hamper.
There’s no longer need for Pampers.
Dishes washed and put away.
Towels hung up and beds are made,
The plants are watered, the bills are paid…

Some days this seems the Sweetheart way.
Or so they say.
Now, a mess can stress the best of us.
Can vex the mood. Create a fuss.
Grate the nerves. Kick up a dust…
And thus one day when such ensued,
this wild and reckless classroom mess,
it riled Meander’s attitude,
and put his patience to the test.

“WHOSE MESS IS THIS?” roared Mister M
as though he’d smashed his thumb.
Yet all the Sweethearts just ignored
his question with aplomb.

Then the lights went out.
The record scratched.
No one made a sound.
The Sweethearts stood all innocent
and began to look around.

“Who made this mess? Whose mess is this?”
the Big M asked again.
The Sweethearts continued to insist
they weren’t where the mess had been.

Then Sweetheart Betty
named Sweetheart Freddy,
who nodded toward
Slick and Sly,
who rolled their eyes toward the little one,
“But I’m not here,”
claimed Alibi.

Sweetheart Johnny simply sighed
as though he didn’t know.
While Sweetheart Bonnie butterflied
and pointed at Sweetheart Beau.

Sweetheart Junior looked confused
as though he hadn’t heard.
Then Sweetheart Frannie
named Sweetheart Annie.
Singing like a bird.

Then Sweetheart Belle took one step back
and thumbed toward Sweetheart Cool.
Who’d already tossed a thumb her way.
For he was no Sweetheart fool.

From the back of the world
was heard a voice,
that of Sweetheart Jules
who chose to make a teammate’s choice,
A little Golden Rule.

“I’ll clean it up,” she told the room,
and began to pick up toys.
A little lesson in leadership
for the Sweetheart girls and boys.

The Sweethearts stood
and looked aghast
What’s this
they’re witnessing?
without being asked?
No kvetching?
No vining?
No grimacing?

What up with that?
Mr. M then
took a treat
from the

He handed it
to Sweetheart Jules,
The Clean-Up Superstar!


At clean up time in Sweetheart land
it works out like a dream.
For everybody lends a hand…
And it’s cookies for all
on the Sweetheart team.

Copyright 2022